Rapamycin 1mg


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Rapamycin 1mg: what is it?

Rapamycin is actively used to prevent transplant rejection. Rapamycin 1mg contains a drug (Sirolimus) which has low toxicity to the kidneys. After organ transplantation, patients take calcineurin inhibitors for quite a long time. They lead to the disruption of kidneys. The instruction for use of Rapamycin claims that such troubles can be avoided with this drug.
Rapamycin has the greatest benefit for those who have undergone surgery for kidney transplantation, which was prescribed because of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. If you use calcineurin inhibitors in this case, there is a high probability of developing the disease of the transplanted organ.

Rapamycin: instruction for use

Many people who are in search of prolongation of youth are interested in Rapamycin. Answering this survey, you should note the following: the drug has really a rejuvenating effect on the body, however, it increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Rapamycin should be taken at first in combination with cyclosporine and corticosteroids. In the future, additional medications are phased out. The instruction for use recommends starting to take Rapamycin 6 mg no more than 1 time per day. This dosage is used for two days after surgery. After that, the dose is reduced to 2 mg.
The maximum concentration of Rapamycin in the blood should not exceed 12 ng/ml. At the stage of maintenance therapy, when Cyclosporine is canceled, the figure must be no more than 20 ng/ml.

It is strictly forbidden to use Cyclosporine and Rapamycin together for more than 90 days. When the cancellation of the first medicine is impossible, other immunosuppressants are prescribed.

Side effects

If you have carefully read the instruction for the use of Rapamycin, you should read about the side effects. Such actions include the following:
pulmonary toxicity is a serious complication of lung transplantation;
the likelihood of development of malignant tumors;
signs of diabetes.

As you can see, the side effects of Rapamycin are quite serious. In this regard, many people who plan to take Rapamycin as a means of prolonging youth, are stopped not by the price, but namely by the likelihood of complications from its use.


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